Appendix G
The cardinal numbers
zero | zero | ||||
uno | one | ụndici | eleven | ventuno | twentyone |
due | two | dọdici | twelve | ventidue | twentytwo |
trẹ | three | trẹdici | thirteen | ventitrẹ | twentythree |
quattro | four | quattọrdici | fourteen | ventiquattro | twentyfour |
cịnque | five | quịndici | fifteen | venticịnque | twentyfive |
sei | six | sẹdici | sixteen | ventisei | twentysix |
sette | seven | diciassette | seventeen | ventisette | twentyseven |
otto | eight | diciotto | eighteen | ventotto | twentyeight |
nove | nine | diciannove | nineteen | ventinove | twentynine |
dieci | ten | venti | twenty |
The pattern shown with the number venti (20) continues for the other decades.
30 trenta | 60 sessanta | 90 novanta | 500 cinquecento | 1.000.000 un miliọne |
31 trentuno | 61 sessantuno | 91 novantuno | 600 seicento | un miliardo |
38 trentotto | 68 sessantotto | 98 novantotto | 700 settecento | un trilọne |
40 quaranta | 70 settanta | 100 cento | 800 ottocento | |
41 quarantuno | 71 settantuno | 101 centouno | 900 novecento | |
48 quarantotto | 78 settantotto | 108 centotto | 1000 mille | |
50 cinquanta | 80 ottanta | 200 duecento | 2000 duemila | |
51 cinquantuno | 81 ottantuno | 300 trecento | 100.000 centomila | |
58 cinquantotto | 88 ottantotto | 400 quattrocento |
The ordinal numbers
All of the ordinal numbers are adjectives, and must agree in number and gender with the noun they modify.
Only masculine, singular forms are given here.
The ordinal numbers above fifteen are generally replaced by cardinal numbers. Instead of saying “the seventyseventh page”, the Italians say “page seventyseven”.
First primo for all of the numbers above 20, the final letter of the cardinal number is replaced by the ending “esimo”
Second secondo
Third | terzo | thirtieth | trentęsimo |
Fourth | quarto | fourtieth | quarantęsimo |
Fifth | quinto | fiftieth | cinquantęsimo |
Sixth | sesto | sixtieth | sessantęsimo |
Seventh | settimo | seventieth | settantęsimo |
Eighth | ottavo | eightieth | ottantęsimo |
Ninth | nono | ninetieth | novantęsimo |
Tenth | dęcimo | one hundredth | centęsimo |
Eleventh | undicęsimo | two hundredth | duecentęsimo |
Twelfth | dodicęsimo | three hundredth | trecentęsimo |
Thirteenth | tredięsimo | four hundredth | quattrocentęsimo |
Fourteenth | quattordicęsimo | five hundredth | cinquecentęsimo |
Fifteenth | quindicęsimo | six hundredth | seicentęsimo |
Sixteenth | sedicęsimo | seven hundredth | settecentęsimo |
Seventeenth | diciassettęsimo | eight hundredth | ottocentęsimo |
Eighteenth | diciottęsimo | nine hundredth | novecentęsimo |
Nineteenth | diciannovęsimo | one thousandth | millęsimo |
Twentieth | ventęsimo | one millionth | milionęsimo |
The Italian number system is the same as the English system, except that a comma is used where a period is used, and vice-versa (for example, English = 1, 234.56; Italian = 1.234,56), and the division sign is a colon.
Some other number forms :
1/2 mezzo 1/3 un terzo 2/3 due terzi 1/4 un quarto 3/4 tre quarti 1/5 un quinto 1/6 un sesto
1/7 un settimo 1/8 un ottavo 1/9 un nono 1/10 un dècimo 1/20 un ventèsimo 1/1000 un milèsimo
double = dòppio triple = triplo quadruple = quadruplo quintuple = quintuplo
ten times bigger = dieci volte maggiore twenty times bigger = venti volte maggiore one hundred times bigger = centuplo
Some common symbols :
+ più plus; - meno minus; x per times; : diviso divided by
2 + 3 = 5 due più trè fa cinque; 14 - 6 = 8 quattórdici meno sei fa otto
Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24-1 24-2 24-3 24-4 24-5
This book is available from, item 1937908, which includes a list of all the irregualar verbs.
This page was last updated on 26 December 2023.